October 7, 2012

Texas Workers' Comp Forum

I had the wonderful opportunity of being the Keynote speaker at the Texas Workers' Comp Forum.  The conference was held in Austin, which is where I live, so it made the day quite nice.  My talk was sponsored by Big Speak, with whom I am fortunate to work with.

Part of the focus of the conference was strategies to combat drug abuse in workers’ compensation and rein in prescription drug costs.  I was asked to speak on my addiction to narcotic pain killers and also, talk a bit about my two artificial knees.

I was alloted 30 minutes to tell my story and if you know me, you know I love to talk and when you ask me what time it is, I tell you how to build a watch!   I realize that there was a schedule in place and no one likes when a speaker blows the schedule by going over his time.

I got it done and everything went super, the attendees were great, and I came pretty close to keeping my talk to 30 minutes! A big thanks to everyone including my wife Jilly who coordinated everything!

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